If you miss a step or need to re-watch you can pause, restart, rewind and rewatch the recording as many times as you need! To enlarge the screen of the video below, click the square icon in the bottom right hand corner of the video (it will say ‘full screen’ when you hover your mouse over the icon). I keep them saved in the one Excel file using a separate tab for each spreadsheet. They were created in Microsoft Excel but you could also use them in Google Docs. I ended up creating 5 spreadsheets to track income and expenses. I could’ve gone all out and created a ton of fancy spreadsheets with crazy formulas but I wanted to keep them super simple, so that my accountant could simply open them and find the exact numbers they need using easy to follow and logically designed spreadsheets. I considered using an online based accounting system, but to be honest, I don’t know how secure they are and I don’t like that I can only access them if I have internet access. I could’ve used an accounting program like MYOB but I just don’t find those programs user-friendly. I’ve tweaked them along the way so that they’re the perfect tool for non-financial people like myself, who’d rather spend more time on their business (anyone else just want to make pretty things all day?), rather than the not-so-fun task of accounting. So I created some spreadsheets to help me track income, expenses and tax deductions and tested them for over a year. but when I hired an accountant a few years ago, they wanted everything digital not pen and paper. not! Unfortunately it’s an unavoidable part of doing business 🙁 I originally used my Etsy Business Planner to keep track of income, expenses, fees, payments, bills etc. What is a Printable? What happens when I purchase a printable from you?īookkeeping, accounting, tax preparation.Free Printables Library – Subscribers Login.Digital planners and notebooks in Microsoft PowerPoint.Free Graphic Design Video Tutorials Library.Shop my favorite planner supplies on Amazon.200 Blog Post Title Prompts (Exclusive Download Content).200 Blog Post Title Prompts (For Any Type of Blog).1200 Blog Post Ideas (Exclusive Download Content).54 Mistakes Etsy Sellers Make (And How to Fix Them).